A true fluffball with a thick, unique coat, the Cavapoo is a one-of-a-kind mixed breed. A cross between the fluffy, intelligent Poodle and the loyal, silky-coated King Charles Cavalier Spaniel, the Cavapoo showcases the best of both these breeds’ traits.
So, are Cavapoos good with other dogs? And if so, what makes Cavapoos good with other dogs? Well, this is exactly what we’re going to be exploring in this blog post. So, read on to find out more about the loyal fluffball that is the Cavapoo:
But first Is a Cavapoo Good with Other Dogs? A Cavapoo is friendly, loyal, and calm, and a reliable dog breed. The Cavapoo also has almost no prey drive or tendency towards rounding other animals or dogs up. Cavapoos get along well with other dogs.
Are Cavapoos friendly?
Whether it’s people or animals, the Cavapoo is absolutely one of the most friendly dog breeds there are! This is a major factor in how popular the breed has gotten in recent times.
The Cavapoo loves people and will bend over backward to please its owner. In fact, the Cavapoo is so friendly and loyal that the breed is prone to developing separation anxiety. This loyalty also makes the breed easy to train.
The Cavapoo gets along well with children. Cavapoos are patient and will put up with having their tail or ears pulled by very young children. Fairly athletic, Cavapoos also like to play more active games with older children.
And of course, Cavapoos love spending time with other dogs, too! Whether it’s a romp around in the park with other pooches of all shapes and sizes or even living with another dog, the friendly, sociable Cavapoo does great!
Is the Cavapoo calm?
As we touched upon earlier, if they suddenly have to be left alone for long periods of time, the Cavapoo is prone to developing separation anxiety.
Aside from this tendency, the Cavapoo is a calm dog, with no hereditary tendencies that make the breed hyper or dangerous to be around. This means that a Cavapoo is likely to get along very well with most dogs.
Is the Cavapoo playful?
Yes, definitely. The obedient and playful Cavapoo loves to play all sorts of games. Fetch or frisbee is a great active option to tire your Cavapoo out before you tuck your pooch into their crate or basket for the night.
The social Cavapoo also loves to play games with other dogs, too. Tug of war is a big favorite among most dogs. Or, you may find that your Cavapoo simply likes to play tag with other dogs. Some Cavapoos even like to wrestle with other dogs.
Are Cavapoos boisterous?
As we just mentioned, the Cavapoo can make a pretty playful dog. When you take them to the park or out on a walk, it’s not uncommon for a Cavapoo to bounce up to other dogs and invite them to play.
But are Cavapoos boisterous? Does this playfulness make the Cavapoo likely to injure other dogs or themselves in the course of play?
It’s true that the Cavapoo can be lively and friendly. However, the sociable, intelligent Cavapoo is also fairly sensitive and intuitive to the feelings of other people and dogs. This makes the Cavapoo unlikely to act too dangerous or reckless around other dogs.
On top of this, their small size makes the Cavapoo unlikely to be physically capable of causing harm to most other dogs, even if your Cavapoo is in a particularly playful mood.
Is the Cavapoo alert?
Yes, Cavapoos can be quite alert and watchful. When they are at home, many Cavapoos like to sit in an area where they can see – and bark at – everything that’s going on around them, like an armchair near the window, or on the stairs.
Since the Cavapoo is so alert, you may find that your Cavapoo goes right up to other dogs at the park and barks at them until they play with them. While some dogs won’t mind this and will bark and play right back, other dogs won’t welcome this kind of behavior.
So, keep a close eye on your Cavapoo when you are at the park together if your Cavapoo is more alert.
Does the Cavapoo have prey drive?
No. Unlike sheepdogs and other dog breeds, the Cavapoo has almost zero prey drive. Because of this, the Cavapoo is unlikely to try rounding up other dogs or to want to bite or harm other dogs to protect you from them.
Of course, like all dogs, the Cavapoo does have a slight tendency to want to chase after animals that are smaller than the Cavapoo is, and if these animals happen to be other dogs at the park, so be it. But, seeing as the Cavapoo is such a small dog itself, it’s unlikely that this would be a problem.
If your Cavapoo does start to exhibit negative behaviors when they are around other dogs, thankfully, it should be simple for you to train this loyal, anxious-to-please pooch to do what you want. Simply work on obedience commands like “sit” and “stay” when you’re at home, and use these when you go to the park or out on a walk.
So, are Cavapoos good with other dogs?
It’s true that the Cavapoo breed has lots of traits that should mean that the Cavapoo breed gets along well with other dogs. After all, the Cavapoo is friendly, loyal, and calm, and reliable. The Cavapoo also has almost no prey drive or tendency towards rounding other animals or dogs up.
But, the Cavapoo can also be alert and playful. Sometimes the Cavapoo is too playful for its own good. However, if a Cavapoo does show some negative behaviors, it’s also pretty easy to train a Cavapoo to stop doing whatever it is.
On top of this, every Cavapoo is an individual. Though there are a few traits that are common amongst the Cavapoo breed, you can’t count on a Cavapoo inherently behaving like the stereotypical Cavapoo.

The fact that the Cavapoo is still quite a young and recently established crossbreed means that there’s still no telling how a Cavapoo will turn out, too. There’s no consistency with the Cavapoo breed yet.
So, armed with this information, I hope that you go on to have lots of fun training and playing with your Cavapoo, and introducing them to new dogs. I hope your Cavapoo will have lots of fun playing with and co-operating with other dogs, too!
If you like this then read our Complete Cavapoo Guide: Must Read Facts here.