What type of coat does a Springer Spaniel have?

What type of coat does a Springer Spaniel have?

The Springer Spaniel is a gun dog with a silky soft, insulating coat. Agile and playful, this boisterousness, combined with the Springer’s downy fur, makes the breed one of the most popular pet dog breeds today!

Indeed, an active family that enjoys hiking or camping would be hard-pressed to find a better, more active family dog. But what type of coat does a Springer Spaniel have?

What kind of care does it require, and how much? In this article, we’ll be answering all these questions and more. So, read on to find out loads more about the Springer Spaniel’s coat.

Does the Springer Spaniel’s coat keep them warm?

Yes. The Springer Spaniel has a unique coat called a double coat. As you might have guessed, it is made of two separate layers. The first layer of a Springer Spaniel’s coat is the topcoat. This is the longer, wavy, colorful hair-like layer that you can see.

The second layer is the undercoat. This is much warmer, insulating fur that helps a Springer Spaniel to regulate its body temperature. Together, the Springer Spaniel’s two coats form a sophisticated system that keeps them comfortable all year round.

Do you have to brush a Springer Spaniel?

Regular brushing is required with a Springer Spaniel’s fluffy double coat. Brushing is essential for removing any dead, shedding hair from your Springer Spaniel’s fur. Brushing also helps to detangle fur, remove debris like burrs and twigs, and gives you an excellent chance to spot parasites or skin infections.

Brushing your Springer Spaniel around three times a week will keep them clean, healthy, and looking good. Take extra care around a Springer’s ears, tail, and legs. These areas often have longer hair, which is more prone to getting tangled or picking up debris.

2 recommended brushes to use on a Springer Spaniel

Use a slicker brush to get deeper into your Springer Spaniel’s coat. A slicker brush will help you to prevent or get rid of mats. Be gentle – slicker brushes usually have fine, sharp bristles that your Springer Spaniel may dislike.

You can get a rubber-tipped slicker brush instead, which is gentler against Springers’ skin. You can also find self-cleaning slicker brushes with a button to press that removes the clump of fur from the bristles. Just be careful not to jam it.

Want your Springer Spaniel to look fabulous? Finish off your grooming session with a dog grooming comb! This tool works great on a Springer Spaniel’s topcoat, adding shine and a fluffy texture. Suitable for conditioning and removing persistent mats, use a comb on your Springer Spaniel’s ears, tail, and leg feathering after routine brushing.

Does the Springer Spaniel’s coat shed?

Yes. All dog breeds shed to a certain extent, and the Springer Spaniel is no exception. The Springer Spaniel is classed as shedding moderately year-round. However, the Springer Spaniel usually sheds more coming into summertime. As the weather gets warmer, the Springer Spaniel simply doesn’t need so much fur anymore.

Thankfully, you can help your Springer Spaniel feel more comfortable – and prevent them from leaving so much fur all over your couch – by brushing them more often at this time of the year.

If your usual brush doesn’t cut it, why not use a de-shedding tool like an undercoat rake or Furminator? These tools are more intensive pieces of apparatus, featuring longer, sharper pins.

These tools get right into your Springer Spaniel’s coat and pull tangled hair and mats out. Your Springer Spaniel will undoubtedly be a great deal cooler and more comfortable afterwards!

However, since de-shedding tools are so intensive, be sure to use them sparingly if you use them at all. In fact, if you brush your Springer Spaniel with standard brushes regularly, you shouldn’t need to use these more comprehensive de-matting tools at all.

Is the Springer Spaniel’s coat hypoallergenic?

No. Since the breed sheds a considerable amount throughout the year, the Springer Spaniel cannot be considered hypoallergenic. This is because their coat does shed dander all year round. With dander being the substance that triggers allergy attacks, the Springer Spaniel is a dog to avoid or be careful with if you have allergies.

Do you have to bathe the Springer Spaniel?

Yes. It’s important to bathe your Springer Spaniel regularly for the health of their coat. Not too often, though, or you risk stripping the natural oils from your Springer’s coat.

Give your Springer Spaniel a bath around once every two or three months to keep their fur in perfect condition. Thankfully, bathing your Springer Spaniel does not have to be a time-consuming business.

If you like, you can place a dog of the Springer Spaniel’s size into your own bath. Alternatively, a large plastic basin or tub may do the job. I use a combination of the two methods for my own dogs. Whatever you use, make sure your water is never too warm, and don’t use too much water power, either.

Use a shampoo designed for dogs or a gentle human shampoo. Using your fingers or a dog brush, massage the shampoo into your Springer Spaniel’s coat until your pooch is covered in a rich, silky lather.

Recommended shampoo for a Springer Spaniel

Burt’s Bees for Dogs 2 in 1 Dog Shampoo & Conditioner

When you’ve worked the silky lather fully into your Springer Spaniel’s coat, begin to rinse the suds off. Again, make sure the water isn’t on too high a setting. Once you’ve finished this, your Springer Spaniel is likely to shake off the excess water all over you, so have a towel or apron at the ready!

If you don’t need to give your particularly stinky Springer Spaniel a second lathering, it’s now time to lift them out of the bath and dry them off.

Any standard towel will do. Using a horizontal motion, rub your Springer Spaniel’s fur gently until they are no longer dripping. Do not tug at your Springer Spaniel’s fur or rub them backwards when drying them.

In-between baths, you can also give your Springer Spaniel a gentle hosing-down in the garden or in the bath when they are only a little dirty. You can also spritz them with a spray bottle or dog-formulated colognes we recommend Bodhi dog natural pet cologne and dry shampoos. Brushing your Springer Spaniel frequently will also help keep them healthy and dirt-free.

With their penchant for chasing birds through deep, muddy undergrowth, it’s no surprise that the Springer Spaniel can sometimes get very dirty. Thankfully, if this happens, there is a range of highly effective shampoos for dogs on the market that can make a big difference.

For example, the brand Animology makes a great Fox Poo Shampoo, while Nature’s Miracle makes a brilliant Skunk Shampoo. Hopefully, you never need these shampoos, but they’re good to know about and have on hand with a flighty breed like the Springer Spaniel! For more on grooming a Springer Spaniel read our other post What’s the best way to groom a Springer Spaniel here.

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