Are Springer Spaniels good with kids?

Are Springer Spaniels good with kids?

The Springer Spaniel is an active and playful dog with a long history as a hunter. Though agile and speedy, the breed is obedient, and is unlikely to run off or misbehave if bonded well with their owner.

But are Springer Spaniels good with kids? Does the breed behave well around young kids, or are they more suited to older children? In this article, this is exactly the topic we’re going to be exploring. So, read on to find out loads more about the Springer Spaniel!

Is the Springer Spaniel active?

Yes. With its long history as a hunting dog, the Springer Spaniel is an active and playful dog that loves to accompany owners on hikes, camping trips, and long walks.

Some Springer Spaniels do have their moments of excitability. But, this is generally nothing like the “zoomies” you often see in a Greyhound or Labrador.

Plus, the Springer breed’s obedience counters their activeness – any time they get out of hand, your Springer will usually stop as soon as you command them to.

Order our Dog Training for Beginners book on Amazon, for tips on obedience for your Springer Spaniel

Is the Springer Spaniel gentle?

The Springer Spaniel can be an active and boisterous dog. They certainly need plenty of activity every day and can be destructive or needy when they don’t get this.

But, provided your Springer Spaniel does get their daily activity requirements, this obedient and loving dog is exceedingly gentle. Such a Springer Spaniel is happy to sit and have a tea party with a younger child or chill out on the couch with an older kid for hours.

Do Springer Spaniels jump up?

Being a breed with somewhat high energy requirements and great physical prowess, there’s a concern that a Springer Spaniel could jump up and injure a child, especially younger children. Is a Springer Spaniel likely to do this?

Yes, a Springer Spaniel is likely to jump on a person to get their attention. This behavior is especially likely when your Springer Spaniel is excited, such as when you all have just arrived home. Jumping up is also more likely if your Springer Spaniel hasn’t had their daily walk yet or any exercise recently.

So, before you bring any small children into your Springer Spaniel’s life, it’s a good idea to train your Springer Spaniel against jumping.

When you come home (or any other time your pooch starts jumping up), ignore your Spaniel as they jump. Keep ignoring your Springer Spaniel until they are calm. Then, when your Springer has calmed down, make a fuss of them at this point, or even offer them a treat!

If your Springer Spaniel knows tricks like Sit and Stay, Lie Down, or even Roll Over, you could ask your Springer Spaniel to greet you in this way instead. You can also tell other kids to ask your Springer Spaniel to Sit or Roll Over any time your Springer jumps on them, too.

People may have told you to hit your Springer Spaniel, push them down, or spray them with lemon juice when they jump up. However, these aversive methods are cruel and give your Springer Spaniel the attention that they are asking you for, reinforcing your Springer’s jumping behavior. Instead, ignoring them is the most effective training method.

Can a child walk a Springer Spaniel?

With the Springer Spaniel being such an athletic dog, could a child walk them? Or would a Springer Spaniel pull on the leash too much?

Yes, it’s true that the Springer Spaniel certainly has the strength to tug a smaller child around a bit. But, with the breed’s obedience, it should be easy to train your Springer Spaniel to walk well on the leash, as long as there are no squirrels around.

From as young as possible, train your Springer Spaniel to walk loosely on the leash. Stop every time your Springer pulls on the leash and only allow them to move forward when they let the leash be slack. This can be a truly tedious method of training. But, it is worth it for the lasting results.

Many people who own gundogs like the Springer Spaniel use traditional gundog training methods like slip leashes, headcollars, and harnesses. With these traditional training methods being developed especially for Spaniels, they can work highly effectively, as long as you have been fully trained in how to use them. Plus, a harness is better for the health of a dog who pulls.

Most owners recommend that a Springer Spaniel only be walked by a child aged ten or older, though anyone responsible and strong enough could conceivably do the job.

Is the Springer Spaniel good for young kids?

So, the Springer Spaniel is a fairly active dog, though the breed is also obedient and has the ability to be calm, too. Does this mean the Springer Spaniel is unsuitable for young kids?

Well, yes, it’s true that the Springer Spaniel can be boisterous and overly playful at times. However, being such an obedient breed, it’s easy to train the Springer Spaniel to behave correctly around young children.

It’s a good idea to make sure that your Springer Spaniel always has access to a safe space they can go to if a young child’s ear-pulling gets too much for them. this will go a long way in keeping both the Spaniel and the child safe.

In the same vein, it’s important to teach young children who will be around your Springer Spaniel that behaviors like ear-pulling, rough play, and biting are unacceptable from the get-go (on both sides!).

Just as with anyone else, you should train your Springer Spaniel not to jump up on young children or lick them, too.

As well as this, no matter how well-trained your Springer Spaniel is, avoid leaving them alone with a young child or toddler for an extended period of time. Though the worst-case scenario is likely just the two snuggling up in your Springer Spaniel’s basket together, you shouldn’t take any risks.

With a bit of proper training on both parts, you can easily foster an adorable and great relationship between your Springer Spaniel and a small child for many years to come!

In fact, a young child can even help out with some basic doggy care. Filling water and food bowls from a small container, for example, is an easy and age-appropriate job that a young child could take pride in.

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If you are looking to learn how to train your dog or puppy using force-free training methods then I recommend this online video course. I purchased it last year and some of the tips I learned I still use today. Most of the training methods aren’t available on the internet.

Teach your dog

  • Put toys away
  • Sit – Stand
  • Roll over
  • Weave between your legs
  • And lots more!

Each session is bite-sized with the focus on getting the student to take the action with information and demonstrations, find out more here.

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