Are Springer Spaniels good for asthmatic children?

Are Springer Spaniels good for asthmatic children?

The Springer Spaniel is a snuggly fluffball with a history as a hunting dog. Named for their ability to ‘spring’ prey out of their hiding places for hunters to deal with, the Springer Spaniel is a diligent and obedient companion.

But are Springer Spaniels good for asthmatic children? What kind of coat does the breed have, and how can you minimize the risk of a Springer Spaniel triggering an asthma attack?

Well, in this article, we’ll lay out the hazards associated with Springer Spaniels and asthma and what you can do to mitigate these risks. So, read on to find out more!

Will an asthmatic child have a reaction to a Springer Spaniel?

Well, there’s no way of knowing whether an asthmatic child will have a reaction to a Springer Spaniel. As we touched upon earlier, an asthmatic child may react to other dog breeds yet have no trouble with a Springer Spaniel.

Conversely, it’s just as likely for an asthmatic child with no history of breathing difficulty around other dogs to suddenly have trouble with Springer Spaniels only. Plus, there’s also a chance that an asthmatic child living with a Springer Spaniel could abruptly begin having asthma attacks triggered by the Springer Spaniel, out of nowhere.

How can I minimize the risk of my Springer Spaniel triggering an asthma attack?

Luckily, there are a few simple measures you can take to minimize the likelihood of your Springer Spaniel’s dander triggering an asthma attack.

One thing you can do is, brush your Springer Spaniel regularly. If possible, go outside to do this. Regular brushing decreases the amount of loose hair and dander that would otherwise leave your Springer Spaniel’s body and move around in the air, also ending up on your furniture and potentially irritating an asthmatic child’s airways.

Another thing you can do is regularly bathe your Springer Spaniel, to keep them clean and free of other potential triggers, too. Once a month or whenever they get dirty is fine; avoid bathing your Springer Spaniel too often to prevent excessive dandruff.

You should also limit an asthmatic child’s access to the Springer Spaniel. Playing together in the open air is fine, but don’t let the child sleep with the Springer Spaniel. As we mentioned earlier, a person with asthma also should avoid brushing or grooming the Springer Spaniel. If they cannot avoid this, they should wear a mask during grooming.

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What is asthma?

First of all, what is asthma? Asthma is a condition in which a person’s airways walls swell, causing the tubes to narrow. If you have asthma, you may also produce extra mucus. Asthma can range from being a minor nuisance to a chronic condition.

People with asthma can sometimes have asthma attacks, in which their existing symptoms temporarily worsen. Asthma attacks can last for anywhere from just a few hours to several days, and the symptoms can gradually worsen.

Though an asthma attack can come out of nowhere, many people with asthma find that their asthma attacks are brought on by specific triggers. Common asthma triggers include illness, inhaling cool air, and, of course, animal fur.

Some people whose asthma attacks are triggered by animal fur find that only certain breeds of that animal bother them.

Are Springer Spaniels good for children in general?

The Springer Spaniel is a friendly, obedient, and active dog. Springers are playful but will usually listen well if you tell them to stop or do something different. In this way, the Springer Spaniel is an excellent dog for children.

Are Springer Spaniels active?

Yes. With their long history as hunting dogs, today’s Springer Spaniels are just as active and playful as ever. Coupled with their obedience, this trait makes the Springer Spaniel lots of fun for a child to play and walk with.

However, this can make the Springer Spaniel less of an ideal dog for some children with asthma if their asthma is triggered by exertion.

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Are Springer Spaniels hypoallergenic?

Did you know that the Springer Spaniel actually has two different types of hair in their coat?  This is called a double coat. The first fur type is the Springer Spaniel’s fluffy undercoat and keeps a Springer Spaniel nice and warm.

The second fur type is the Springer Spaniel’s topcoat which shows all a Springer’s unique markings. This coat can be wavy or flat, with black, liver, or even blue markings. Together, these different coat types combine to form a barrier against rain, thorns, and twigs.

The combination of the undercoat and topcoat means that the Springer Spaniel loses so little hair people think of the breed as hypoallergenic. But of course, any dog with hair will lose a certain amount.

As the seasons shift into the warmer temperatures, your Springer Spaniel will begin to shed more. This is called ‘blowing’. During this time, your Springer Spaniel is losing their insulating undercoat. Blowing their undercoat helps keep your Springer Spaniel cool during summer.

There is also evidence that dogs who live indoors lose hair all year round, thanks to modern houses being so well-heated. But thankfully, you can prevent your Springer Spaniel’s fur from getting all over your furniture with a simple, regular grooming regime.

Do Springer Spaniels need much grooming?

Unfortunately, yes, the Springer Spaniel needs a certain amount of grooming, especially if they will be living with an asthmatic child. However, fortunately, keeping your Springer Spaniel looking stunning is as simple as regular brushing!

The first step to brushing your Springer Spaniel is using a slicker brush. This brush is quite a harsh style of brush, designed for you to use sparingly and softly on your Springer’s fur. Gently, brush your Springer Spaniel all over their body, including their ears, tail and legs. This will detangle your Springer’s coat and get rid of debris.

Then, use a basic bristle brush or a wire-pin brush to get rid of your Springer Spaniel’s excess, loose hair. Brush in the direction of growth and stop to remove mats of hair from the brush as you need to.

If your Springer Spaniel still has plenty of loose hair needing to come out, you can also gently pull the hair out by hand. This loose hair will come out in a wispy clump and is often reddish-brown in the springtime.

Unfortunately, this aspect of owning a Springer Spaniel can aggravate asthma. So, if you have asthma, it’s best to leave this aspect of caring for a Springer Spaniel to someone else. Or, you can wear a mask when you groom your Springer Spaniel.

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