The Jug is a small breed with a flat face and a playful, boisterous nature. This is no surprise when you consider that the Jug is a cross between the Jack Russell Terrier and, you guessed it, the Pug.

In addition, the Jug is a young, new breed. Therefore, we don’t know much about how a Jug may act or look and what health issues they may face. So, how many puppies do Jug dogs have? How many little Jugs can you expect, and what should you look out for during their pregnancy? Read on to find out.
How many puppies do Pugs have?
On average, a dog’s litter is six puppies. Smaller dogs typically have fewer puppies, while larger dogs can give birth to more pups. For example, the Pug typically has 3 or 4 puppies.
How many puppies can Jack Russells have?
On average, Jack Russells can have a few more puppies in their litter as a larger dog. Though they’re hardly the largest dog, Jack Russell Terriers generally whelp a whopping 5 to 8 Jack Russell puppies!
How many puppies can a Jug have in its first litter?
Dogs typically have fewer puppies in their first litter and when they are younger. However, your Jug’s first litter is likely to be their smallest ever. Your Jug may still whelp between 3 to 5 puppies in their first litter, but a litter on the smaller side is more likely.
Can Jugs have their puppies naturally?
Jugs may have the Pug’s narrow hips or hip dysplasia, making a natural delivery highly complicated, dangerous, and potentially fatal. Small dogs like the Jug and Pug do typically have cesarean sections, especially if they had litters in the past. A cesarean section is generally the safest option, especially if the litter is large.
That said, some Jugs do manage to have their puppies naturally. For example, many Jugs are reasonably large and physically healthy dogs who can handle delivering their litter. But in general, most Jugs cannot have their puppies naturally.
How can I tell if my Jug is pregnant?
The pregnancy progresses quickly in dogs. So, even if you are actively trying to breed your Jug, their pregnancy may unfold so fast that it can catch you off-guard.
One subtle sign of your Jug being pregnant is the loss of or change to their appetite. Unfortunately, this is a common sign of most changes to a canine’s health.
Then there’s other unusual behavior. Again, hormonal changes can result in your Jug acting unusually independent or wanting to spend more time by themselves. Equally, however, your Jug may become more needy, wanting to spend more time with you and not wanting to be alone.
There are also early physical signs of pregnancy, too. For example, a pregnant Jug’s nipples will swell and grow in size, becoming more rounded and changing hue to a dark red. These changes are caused by increased blood flow to the nipples as your Jug’s body prepares for lactation. You may even spot leaking milk late in your Jug’s pregnancy.
Another more apparent physical sign is that your Jug’s abdomen becomes enlarged as the puppies grow. Jugs are a naturally broad-chested canine, so you may miss this sign. But if you notice your Jug developing a larger belly, check for other signs of pregnancy and take them to your vet for an ultrasound.
Another thing many pregnant Jugs do is create their own nest to give birth in. They may bring blankets and cushions from around your home, or you may notice a particularly snuggly jumper or favorite toy mysteriously disappearing. Let your Jug give birth in the spot they have chosen if possible.
Your Jug won’t have much energy right at the end of their pregnancy. As a result, they may lose interest in active games they used to love, like fetch or roughhousing. Your Jug may also refuse to walk, preferring to spend more time in bed or snuggled up in a new den. This probably keeps the puppies safer at this imminent stage, but do encourage your Jug to walk a little daily to keep them strong.
How can I help my Jug give birth?
If your Jug starts giving birth at home, what should you do?
Try checking its temperature if your Jug is restless and panting, but you aren’t sure if whelping has started. A Jug who is about to give birth will have a temperature of 99°F (37°C) to 101°F (38°C). Your Jug’s labor will begin within the next 12 to 24 hours if this is so. It’s now time to take your Jug to the vet if you are doing this.
If you want to help your Jug give birth at home, make sure you’ve got plenty of clean towels and a box for your Jug to give birth in – a whelping box. Also, put together a kit of blankets, heating pads, emergency medical supplies like scissors you have boiled and cooled, an antiseptic solution, gloves, and anything else your vet may recommend.
Your Jug should start to show signs of labor, such as a grey sack dropping from its vulva. If no puppies begin to appear soon, call your vet.
When your Jug pushes a puppy out, the pup will be covered with a thin membrane. You need to open this membrane so that the puppy can breathe. Your Jug may take care of this by licking at the membrane, but you may need to take over if they tire.
You will also need to cut the umbilical cord. Again, your Jug will instinctively bite at the cord, but you should help them out with your scissors.
Around 15 minutes after birth, you will see the placentas emerge. You can feed your Jug one or two of the placentas. Do make sure all the placentas come out at some point.
When the Jugs are born and breathing, place them in the whelping box with their mother or another container with a heating pad and plenty of blankets. Make sure the mother Jug can see them.
Your vet will be able to give you better advice, so keep in touch with them at every part of this journey!