This small, playful cross between the Pug and Jack Russell Terrier can be clever, cunning, and sassy. Jugs have no difficulty letting you know what they want, or going and getting it themselves if they can!
And yet, despite their occasional stubbornness, the Jug’s friendliness typically makes them easy to train, whether you’re going for obedience or just tricks. But do Jug dogs bark a lot? Will you need to train your Jug not to bark? How can you prevent your Jug from becoming a problem barker? We lay all of this out in the paragraphs to come:
Does the Jug make a good guard dog?
A vigilant, watchful dog, many Jugs love to climb up on the couch or step and watch for strange goings-on in the neighborhood. If they do spot anything they deem amiss, you can bet that your Jug will let you know right away with their quiet, grunting bark.
That being said, no prospective burglar is going to quake at the sight of your Jug when they open the door. Your Jug is unlikely to disarm a robber, either. But your Jug will definitely let you know what’s going on!
Is the Jug suitable for apartment living?
Yes. Though they are somewhat prone to separation anxiety, the Jug’s low activity needs and medium tendency to bark make them ideal for living in spaces like apartments. Being a small dogs, Jugs don’t need much space. Then, all you need to do is walk your Jug around the block to completely exhaust them before you head out.
Since Jugs aren’t loud, they’re unlikely to bother your neighbors, either. However, your Jug may bark a lot if your neighbors wake them. Your Jug could also bark when the mail comes or if they get bored. But thankfully, the Jug’s small size means that it’s easy to exhaust your Jug before you leave, making them less likely to bark.
When do Jugs bark?
Besides barking out the window or when something wakes them when else do Jugs typically bark?
Jugs are people-oriented dogs. They are sociable, and they love to play with children and adults alike. The Jug’s high sociability also means that they are quick to let you know if anything’s wrong. Is their water bowl empty? You can expect your Jug to stand there and bark until you come and fill it again. Or perhaps they’re hungry or can’t reach a favorite toy? Your Jug may bark continually, pawing at that spot until you sort them out.
A Jug may also bark when they are simply being ignored. Jugs are friendly pooches, after all. If you don’t give them attention when you’re chilling out together, they’ll absolutely let you know how they’re feeling!
Jugs are also alert and keenly attuned to their environment. So, you can expect your Jug to bark if something startles or wakes them, as well as when the mail comes or when the doorbell rings.
How can I stop my Jug from barking when I’m out?
If your Jug barks when they’re at home alone, you probably know how it can be a real problem. Not only can your Jug’s barking bother your neighbors, but it also means that your Jug isn’t getting the rest they need to bring them back to their boisterous, playful self when you come back home.
So, what can you do about your Jug barking when you’re out? Well, the first step is to find out what your Jug is barking at. Say your Jug is barking out the window, for example. The most effective solution would be to close the curtains. Failing that, you could move your Jug to a different room or area. You could even crate-train your Jug.
Perhaps your Jug is just barking out of boredom. If this is the case, giving your Jug something to do while they’re alone could prevent them from barking. You could give your Jug their food in food puzzles. Food puzzle toys are complex and time-consuming.
These toys provide plenty of intellectual stimulation for your Jug and keep them occupied for a long time. You could even hide some of your Jug’s food around the room. Placing pieces of kibble in a mat or underneath cushions or toilet roll tubes will take forever for your Jug to sniff out!
Could your Jug be struggling to relax instead? It may be difficult for your Jug to settle down to sleep during the day, after all. You may have noticed your Jug licking their blanket or the arm of the couch in the evening. This is because licking instinctively helps a dog to settle down and go to sleep. You can help your Jug to chill out by putting some peanut butter, cream cheese, or yogurt in their bowl for them to lick. Or, you could use a small fillable toy like a Kong. On hot days, or for longer lasting relaxation, you could even freeze your chosen treat!

Should I train my Jug to “Speak”?
Yes! It may seem counterintuitive, but did you know that your Jug may actually bark less when you teach them to bark on command? This is most famously known as the “Speak” command. Teaching your Jug to ‘Speak’ can empower them. After all, a Jug who knows how to Speak can then be trained to tell you when they need to go outside, for example, or that they are hungry.
Armed with a reward like a treat or a toy (and in an area where your neighbors won’t mind), carry out a particular action that you know often prompts your Jug to bark. You could open your front door, jangle your Jug’s leash, or wave around their favorite toy. You could even play a recording of a doorbell on your phone
Now that you’ve found the way to get your Jug barking, reward them for this behavior with their toy or a treat immediately. Then, keep repeating these steps a few more times.
Now that you are able to make your Jug bark, give this new skill a name. As soon as your Jug starts barking from now on, say “Speak!” or “Bark!”. Keep practicing the “Speak” skill until your Jug can now promptly begin barking when you ask them to.
Try to only reward your Jug for a single bark or two rather than excessive barking. This way, any time your Jug is barking loudly or excessively, you can command them to Speak or Bark more quietly.