Are Jug dogs hypoallergenic?

The Jug is a friendly, playful dog to have as a pet. Jug dogs are simple to care for, with minimal activity requirements and only basic coat care needs. This friendly dog is also easy to train and obedient.

However, could this downy pooch cause severe symptoms for people with allergies? Are Jug dogs hypoallergenic? What should you do about your Jug’s hair, and what can you do if your Jug’s hair affects your health? This article explores how likely your Jug is to trigger your allergies and what measures you can take if they do. So, read on to find out more!

Are Jug dogs hypoallergenic

What kind of coat does the Jug have?

Being a cross between the Jack Russell and Pug, who knows which coat your Jug will end up inheriting. There’s a chance your Jug will have the Jack Russell coat. This coat is either rough, broken, or smooth, with mainly white markings and some black and tan patches. Some Jack Russell Terriers even have longer coarse hair.

If your Jug has more of a Pug coat, they’ll have a black or fawn color, with a silver or apricot sheen. This short, smooth coat is a double coat, as is the Jack Russell’s. Pug fur is sleek and silky – lovely to pet!

Regardless of which coat your Jug is born with, both these coats will cause your Jug to lose some hair every day, especially coming up to the warmer months of the year. Coming up to summer, all dogs naturally lose much of their undercoat. This helps them to keep cool.

Will my Jug’s coat trigger allergies?

Both the Pug and the Jack Russell Terrier shed quite considerably. Does this mean that your Jug’s coat will naturally trigger your allergies?

Well, this is uncertain. You may have heard that short-haired dogs like the Jug have less allergenic potential. However, a Jug loses a certain amount of hair. This hair can be fine and needle-like.

But did you know that fur isn’t the only thing that can trigger a person’s allergies? Though your Jug’s hair is a minor contributing factor, their saliva and urine can cause your allergy symptoms as well. You may break out in hives where your Jug licks you, for example.

Your allergies could even have nothing to do with your Jug themselves, instead caused by pollen or mold your Jug carries on their skin and fur!

How do I know if I’m allergic to my Jug?

If you suspect that you are allergic to your Jug, it’s worth considering going for a skin test or blood test to find out precisely what you’re allergic to. This way, you will be better able to manage your allergy symptoms. This test will detect Immunoglobulin E.

That said, allergy tests are not always conclusive. So, one other way to test if you’re allergic to your Jug is to try living apart for a while. It may take some time for your Jug’s dander to leave the house altogether, however.

Whatever it is that you’re precisely allergic to, treatment is simple. Antihistamines, whether spray, pill or liquid, will prevent your body from producing the histamine that causes your less severe symptoms.

Another option is decongestants. Decongestants reduce swelling and congestion in your nose, making it easier for you to breathe.

For more severe symptoms, nasal steroid sprays will quickly reduce extreme inflammation.

Allergy shots are a more permanent treatment. However, these take time and often still then don’t work correctly. But, allergy shots are still an excellent solution for many pet owners.

How can I minimize my Jug’s allergen potential?

Allergy symptoms can be serious. You may find it difficult to breathe, especially if you also have asthma. So, it’s essential to minimize your Jug’s allergen potential for both their health and your own.

The most effective solution is to keep your distance from your Jug. Have your Jug spend more time in another room in the home. Keep their bed and bowls strictly in this room only, and train your Jug to go to their bed on command. Don’t pet or cuddle your Jug too often, and wash your hands after contact with them.

If your Jug enters communal areas like the lounge, train them not to jump up on the couch. Give your Jug their cushion or mat in this room. When you shop, look for objects and fabrics that can be thoroughly cleaned. Avoid woven or knit fabrics in your furniture.

Clean your home regularly. Your Jug’s dead hair, skin cells, and traces of their saliva can end up everywhere. So, mop the floors with a dog-friendly floor cleaner once a week. A vacuum cleaner made for pets or allergies with a HEPA filter will work wonders. An air purifier can work great, too!

Have your personal area in the home. Don’t allow your Jug into your bedroom. You can restrict your Jug’s access to areas of your home with gates, or you could train them to stay.

Though it was once thought that fur was the main culprit for pet allergies, we now know that your Jug’s saliva plays a significant role in aggravating allergy symptoms. But, with how much brachycephalic dogs like the Jug pant and drool, this can become a big problem!

This is why it’s so important to keep your Jug cool. So, use cooling mats in your Jug’s bed or crate, and make sure they always have access to fresh, cool water.

Should I bathe my Jug?

With how insignificant your Jug’s hair actually is when you have allergies, is there any point in bathing them? After all, grooming your Jug too often will increase how much hair they lose. As well as this, having more contact with your Jug’s fur is only going to increase your allergy symptoms.

It’s uncertain. Bathing your Jug may reduce how much airborne dander circulates in your home. This, in turn, may reduce your allergy symptoms. However, very few studies have shown that bathing your Jug more often reduces allergic symptoms. But it’s worth giving it a go!

Get another member of your household to bathe your Jug if you find this aggravates your allergies, or wear a mask and gloves while you bathe your pooch.

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