A fiercely loyal fluff ball, the Cavapoo makes a brilliant pet and an even better family dog. But are Cavapoos good guard dogs?
This is precisely the topic that we’re going to be exploring in this article. So, read on to find out lots more about the Cavapoo breed and all the unique traits the Cavapoo has.
So are Cavapoos a Good Guard Dog? Cavapoo does have several traits that should make the breed a good guard dog. The Cavapoo’s undying loyalty and friendliness mean that the breed would love nothing better than to protect you. However, the breed is also somewhat small and delicate, and so is somewhat predisposed to injuries.
Is the Cavapoo alert?
Yes, the Cavapoo is a highly alert, watchful dog breed. Fiercely loyal to people it has bonded with, you will often see a Cavapoo perched over the arm of a sofa or standing up on its hind legs at the window, barking at anything it thinks is amiss.
Canine Behaviorists refer to this behavior as ‘alert barking’. Cavapoos have a natural tendency towards alert barking, and you will see your Cavapoo starting to alert bark without you training them to do it!
Is the Cavapoo protective?
The Cavapoo is definitely loyal and defensive. When they have bonded with you, your Cavapoo will want to follow you everywhere, barking at anything they might deem unusual.
In fact, the Cavapoo is so protective and devoted that the breed has a big tendency towards developing separation anxiety when you are not there. You will have to spend time training your Cavapoo to get used to being alone.
Is the Cavapoo easy to train?
With the breed’s hereditary, friendly, and people-oriented temperament, it’s no surprise that the Cavapoo is highly motivated and picks up new commands quickly!
Whether it’s housebreaking, the basics of obedience, or tricks that will help your Cavapoo secure the perimeter of your house, it will only be a day or two until your Cavapoo has got it down pat.

Can the Cavapoo spend lots of time outside?
Due to the thick insulating coat that the breed inherited from its Poodle half, the Cavapoo can spend a fair amount of time outdoors. So if you want to set your Cavapoo on your front porch for a while to keep a look out for a guest, this is fine.
However, this fluffy coat does not cope well with extreme heat. So any time your Cavapoo will be spending lots of time outside, make sure that your pooch has a shady area nearby that they can access easily. You may be surprised just how often your Cavapoo needs to use this!
Do also be aware that the Cavapoo’s small size means that it is not safe for this dog to sleep outside – despite the Cavapoo’s thick coat. The Cavapoo’s small size also means that the breed is prone to injuring itself.
On top of this, the highly trusting Cavapoo should not be left outside unsupervised, for long periods, due to the high likelihood of theft – more on this later.
Will a Cavapoo wander?
If you want to use your Cavapoo as a guard dog, you’ll need to make sure that they stay put in your yard and don’t run away, right? So, how likely is it that a Cavapoo will do this?
Well, luckily, considering how loyal and protective the Cavapoo breed can be, it’s unlikely that your Cavapoo will wander off even if they see the most tantalizing squirrel! Instead, the Cavapoo has a natural tendency to constantly want to stick by its owner’s side.
Though this tendency can sometimes lead to Cavapoos developing separation anxiety, it’s this trait that helps to make the Cavapoo into a great guard dog when they get the right training.
Is the Cavapoo a friendly dog?
Unfortunately, yes, the Cavapoo is a fiercely friendly pooch to all. This can be a negative trait if you are intending to use your Cavapoo to guard your home.
If you want to train your trusting Cavapoo to be a guard dog, you’ll be hard-pressed to convince them not to wander off with any stranger who offers them treats!
The Cavapoo’s natural friendliness towards everybody, coupled with the breed’s current popularity, makes it likely for your Cavapoo to be stolen while guarding your house if you’re not careful.
To combat the risk of your Cavapoo being stolen, there are several ways you could protect them. One of the most effective ways you can keep your Cavapoo safe is to install fencing and a gate in your garden.
If a guest enters, you can still let them in to be sniffed all over and vetted by your Cavapoo.
Another thing you could use is a GPS dog tag or collar. These accessories track where your Cavapoo is so that you can get your pooch back when they’ve jumped over the fence to go play in the street with passers-by.
Some GPS collars even have a “geofence” feature, which you can set up to notify you as soon as your Cavapoo leaves the yard or another predefined area! GPS accessories are brilliant for serial escape-artists.
Is the Cavapoo robust?
Another trait that is not in the Cavapoo’s favor – if you want to train your Cavapoo to be your guard dog – is considered the breed’s propensity for injury. The Cavapoo’s small size makes this dog delicate and easily hurt.
In fact, smaller Cavapoos can even struggle with day-to-day family life, getting injured in the course of playing fetch or tug-of-war with kids. If your Cavapoo is like this, they may not be your best option for security.
So, does the Cavapoo make a Good Guard Dog?
In conclusion, the Cavapoo does have several traits that should make the breed a good guard dog. The Cavapoo’s undying loyalty and friendliness mean that the breed would love nothing better than to protect you.
Along with this, the breed’s obedience makes it easy and fast to train the Cavapoo to do all sorts of things, including training the dog to guard your house.
The Cavapoo is alert too and keenly attuned to everything going on around them. This makes the Cavapoo good at spotting anything unusual.
However, the breed is also somewhat small and delicate, and so is somewhat predisposed to injuries. As well as this, many Cavapoos are too trusting of people to make a good guard dog.
But every Cavapoo is an individual. While some Cavapoos have all of these traits, other Cavapoos are nothing like your typical Cavapoo. In short, it’s up to you to think about whether your Cavapoo would make a good guard dog and to train them according to the personality that they have.
If you like this then read our Complete Cavapoo Guide: Must Read Facts here.