Like the Bulldog and the Pug, the Bichon Frise also has a flat, brachycephalic face.
This is just one of the things that many people find cute about the Bichon Frise, but this unique face and jaw can cause a Bichon Frise some problems. Often, a dog of this breed has difficulty eating and closing their mouth properly.
But whether resting or playing, does a Bichon Frise drool as much as a Pug or Bulldog does?
Does a Bichon Frise have long jowls?
Some dogs, like most Hounds, have long jowls that give the advantages of protecting the mouth and helping the dog to carry smells up to the nose when hunting, but also have the distinct disadvantage of causing the dog to drool everywhere.
However, luckily, the Bichon Frise does not have long jowls like these other dogs. So the Bichon Frise does not drool much in the literal sense of the word. So, if your Bichon Frise is drooling, it is usually for another reason entirely.
When does a Bichon Frise normally drool?
Does your Bichon Frise get excited when they hear vegetables being chopped or their bowl being filled? Do they rush over and do an excited dance when they hear sounds like this?
Whether it’s more about the smell or the sounds, mealtimes can be very exciting for a Bichon Frise. So, if you ever notice your Bichon Frise drooling around these times, even if very excessively, do not worry too much about this. This is completely normal behavior.
Or your Bichon Frise may be smelling something else off in the distance when they’re drooling, like another dog or other animals in the distance.
Even when your Bichon Frise is excited by something else completely different, like the prospect of walkies, or play, do not be surprised to find your pooch’s leash or toy quickly becoming saturated with your Bichon Frise’s ecstatic drool.
It is also normal for your Bichon Frise to drool when they are stressed, too. For example, if they meet a new dog who is particularly boisterous, it is common for a Bichon Frise to drool.
Or if they are in a noisy environment, like walking by a busy road with fast, large vehicles, or if there are seasonal fireworks, it is very common for the stress this can cause to make your Bichon Frise drool a lot.
But when your Bichon Frise isn’t remotely stressed, scared, or excited, it is normal for them to drool then, as well!
Since the Bichon Frise is inherently flat-faced and brachycephalic, when your pooch is chilling out or sleeping, their mouth may not always shut properly, which causes saliva to leak out of the dog’s mouth. This can occur even when a Bichon Frise is completely alert and awake, too.
Why would a Bichon Frise drool excessively?
In many situations, if your Bichon Frise drools, this is nothing to worry about. Your Bichon Frise could just be trying to cool down, or maybe your pooch is relaxed and falling asleep. However, sometimes the reason can be something much more nefarious.
The Bichon Frise is a brachycephalic breed of dog, which means that the breed has a fairly flat face. Many people find this trait cute. However, this can mean that your Bichon Frise has limited mobility in their jaws, which makes your upkeep of the pooch’s dental health all the more important.
Without regular brushing, your Bichon Frise could easily develop a tooth abscess, or periodontal disease – both conditions that make drooling likely.
Also, your Bichon Frise may be drooling because they have a blockage in their esophagus from a bone, treat, or something else their brachycephalic jaws find difficult to chew properly.
If this is so, and the drooling persists you may need to take your Bichon Frise to the vet’s for the blockage to be removed. You may even need to Heimlich manoeuvre your Bichon Frise at home!
Many Bichon Frises have a tendency to drool a lot in a car, too, whether because of sensory overload or because they are too hot. If they like to stick their head out the window, you’ll often see streaks of your Bichon Frise’s drool running down your car door!
If none of these things seems plausible, it may be that your Bichon Frise has even gotten their nose into something toxic or dangerous that causes them to drool, like electrical wires! Drooling in this scenario will be very excessive.
It isn’t normally very common for a Bichon Frise to drool, so if you really can’t get to the bottom of why your Bichon Frise is drooling, consider taking your Bichon to the vet.
What Can I Do About my Bichon Frise’s Drooling?
As we touched upon previously, sometimes your Bichon Frise’s drooling can be caused by a dental issue, since brachycephalic dogs like the Bichon Frise are extremely prone to dental issues.
So, if you want to prevent drooling, be sure to brush your Bichon Frise’s teeth using dog-appropriate toothpaste every day – if they’ll let you! For more on this take a look at one of my other articles – What Is the Cost of Cleaning Your Dogs Teeth?
Another likely reason why your Bichon Frise may be drooling is that they are too hot – a brachycephalic breed of dog like the Bichon Frise easily overheats after only a few chases of their ball, at which point the dog is forced to lie down and pant, or even drool if they are extremely hot.
Whether they drool or not, it’s a good idea to make sure that your Bichon Frise has plenty to drink, as well as a shady spot or two to hang out in during these hotter days. Make sure they are easily able to get back indoors to cool down, also.
The same applies to traveling in a car or van, too – make sure that there is enough air circulating in your vehicle to keep your Bichon Frise sufficiently cool. If you think that your Bichon Frise gets sensory overload on a car ride, consider covering their eyes or placing a light blanket over their crate.
So, Does a Bichon Frise Drool?
Although the Bichon Frise does not have the same physical quirks as a Hound, the Bichon Frise does some of its own traits that make a dog of the Bichon Frise breed likely to drool.
Every Bichon Frise is an individual though, so while one Bichon Frise dog may drool a lot and all the time, another Bichon Frise dog might drool hardly ever.
Over time, you’ll come to know what amount of drooling is normal for your Bichon Frise and will notice when, if ever, to be concerned. It’s the same with other habits, too.
For more about Bichon Frise see my other posts below
- Can a Bichon Frise Eat Raw Meat?
- Can a Bichon Frise Get Sunburn?
- How Big Does a Bichon Frise Get?
- Does A Bichon Frise Get Along With Other Dogs?
- Can a Bichon Frise Sleep Outside?
- Will a Bichon Frise Get Along With Cats?
By Michelle McDaid