The quick answer is:
A Bichon Frise certainly can get along with cats, especially with early training. Make sure Cats and Dogs always have the option to retreat to a safe space where they feel comfortable.
Cats and dogs are mortal enemies, right? Yet these days, there are more and more documented instances of cats and dogs who tolerate each other, play together, or who are even raised together peacefully from birth.
But what breed of dog gets along with cats the best? Do they have to have a certain type of personality?
Is it better if they are a small dog? If so, will a Bichon Frise get along with cats? This is what we’re discussing in this article:
What kind of dog is a Bichon Frise?
With the breed supposedly having a previous life as the pirates’ favorite dog and also being said to have once joined the circus, it’s no surprise that the Bichon Frise of today is still a major show-off who loves to learn new tricks.
With almost no training, don’t be surprised to see this jovial teddy bear of a dog dance up to you on their hind legs anytime they get hungry or thirsty.
This perpetually jolly nature is something that should greatly aid a Bichon Frise in getting along with a cat.
How does a Bichon Frise act?
When living as a pet, although they can be independent and prefer to play with some toys by themselves, a Bichon Frise also conversely hates to spend long periods alone and is actually one of the main breeds of dog that commonly develops separation anxiety, even if you wouldn’t think this to be the case.
Because of this, the typical Bichon Frise loves spending time with a companion of any kind – even cats.
What does a Bichon Frise look like?

The Bichon Frise is a fairly small dog. The Bichon Frise is not quite small enough to be considered a toy dog, but also not quite large enough to have the stamina and speed that some other similar small pet dogs have.
To a cat, the Bichon Frise’s size could make them appear much less threatening than the average dog.
Along with this, the fact that the Bichon Frise is unlikely to move too quickly, even when this cheerful dog is in a playful mood, is something that also makes a cat at ease in the presence of this playful pooch.
So, the Bichon Frise’s appearance is something that greatly helps the friendly dog to get along with cats.
Does a Bichon Frise usually get along with other animals?
An independent yet curious breed of dog, it’s fairly common for the Bichon Frise to be the first one to make a move towards another animal.
And because the Bichon Frise has no history as a hunting dog or herding dog, a Bichon Frise should usually treat other animals well, either wanting to play with them and check them out or just being indifferent towards them.
Of course, you must make sure to socialize your Bichon Frise properly. You can’t just rely on the breed’s nature and history.
If you have cattle or sheep around, introduce your Bichon Frise to these larger animals by taking your pooch for a slow leashed walk among the group in the herd’s field, after first getting permission.
If your Bichon wants to, you can slowly approach one or two sheep or cows, and investigate them.
Alternatively, let them sniff each other through the boundary fence. If your pooch remains indifferent, that’s fine too. Never allow the dog to chase an animal, however.
And when it comes to cats, you should generally similarly introduce your Bichon Frise. Restrain your Bichon Frise by keeping them on a leash, behind a stair gate, or by holding them, whichever is necessary.
Do not force either animal to approach the other. But if either animal wants to approach the other, do slowly move them closer. However, if either animal wants to retreat from the other, do let them do this, too.

Will a Bichon Frise hunt a cat?
Ever seen a dog spinning round and round in their basket for ages before they finally settle down? Did you know that this behavior is an example of one of the instincts a dog still retains from the time of being a wolf?
This just goes to show how strongly a dog’s instincts can still influence their behavior today sometimes, even centuries later!
At any point, if an instinct is strong enough, it isn’t surprising for a Bichon Frise to act on it. Don’t be surprised if, now and then, your Bichon Frise takes it upon themselves to slowly stalk and pounce on an errant piece of kibble, or “kill” their squeaky toy prey by thrashing it around!
Of course, as we previously mentioned, the Bichon Frise has a very little drive from it’s past that tempts the breed to harm animals around them, including cats. Indeed, the Bichon Frise has many traits that predispose the breed towards getting along great with a cat.
But do watch out for any rises in negative instinctive behaviors like those mentioned above in your Bichon Frise, and always make sure your cat has somewhere snug to go away from your Bichon Frise, where they can feel safe, and vice versa.

- Injuries
- Surgeries
- Cancer
- Prescribed Medications
- Annual Checkups
Will a Bichon Frise play with a cat?
So, previously we’ve detailed some traits a Bichon Frise has that make the dog likely to get along with cats.
But will a Bichon Frise be indifferent to a cat, or will they be likely to walk over and bow at the feline, or offer them their favorite toy? And if a cat comes over to a Bichon Frise, will a Bichon Frise be alright with that, or will the pooch get annoyed?
Well, yes, a Bichon Frise is quite likely to play with a cat in certain ways. Just like with you, your Bichon Frise might drop a rope toy at a cat’s forepaws, for them to play a version of tug of war with.
Can a Bichon Frise and a cat be left alone together?
We mentioned before how the Bichon Frise is the type of dog who can easily become lonely, even developing separation anxiety. So if you have to dash out for a while, can a Bichon Frise be left unsupervised with a feline companion?
The puss and pooch might have been raised together, almost from birth. The pair may eat together, sleep together and play together very well, rarely if ever annoying or hurting each other.
But, if you’re leaving them alone together with nobody to watch over them, you really must take a few precautions. Consider leaving your Bichon Frise and cat in separate rooms in the house if this is safe for them.
Or if you are leaving them alone in the same space together, try a stair gate to separate the pooch and puss.
Of course, your Bichon Frise and cat may simply play together peacefully the whole time you are out or snuggle up together for a restful nap. But they could easily have an accident of some kind, so separating them when you aren’t there to watch them is best.
So, will a Bichon Frise get along with cats?
As a friendly show-off kind of dog, the Bichon Frise certainly can get along great with cats, especially with early training.
It also helps if the pair are introduced to each other early in their lives. But both the cat and the Bichon Frise should always have the option to retreat to a safe space where they feel comfortable and can chill alone too.
For more on Bichon Frise take a look at my other post below.
- Does a Bichon Frise Drool?
- Can a Bichon Frise Eat Raw Meat?
- Can a Bichon Frise Get Sunburn?
- How Big Does a Bichon Frise Get?
- Does A Bichon Frise Get Along With Other Dogs?
- Can a Bichon Frise Sleep Outside?
By Michelle McDaid