When do dogs need less exercise?

When do dogs need less exercise

Most of us know that it’s essential to be careful about the type of exercise your dog gets while its body is developing. But what about when your dog is older and starts to slow down? When do dogs need less exercise? And what kinds of exercise are appropriate for an older dog?

This article will explore how to know when your dog should slow down and what older dogs need. So, read on to determine how you and your dog should adjust your lifestyle together as your dog ages.

When does my dog become a senior?

The age at which your dog becomes a senior or elderly dog varies by your pooch’s size and breed.

Though dogs usually gain senior status anywhere from 7 to 10 years old, some smaller dogs like the Yorkshire Terrier or Jack Russell become senior dogs even later in age. In contrast, dogs from large breeds like Great Danes and Labrador Retrievers become elderly younger.

What kind of exercise is suitable for an older dog?

Again, the type of exercise your dog should get must match their breed and size. However, the exercise should also match your dog’s current physical ability. This can change day by day as many senior dogs develop arthritis, for example.

If your large breed dog just isn’t interested in walkies anymore, how about a relaxing swim? Swimming is a great low-impact physical activity, and most dogs can do it, even dogs with arthritis.

Or, if your dog has cognitive problems, an on-leash walk and practicing some tricks may be ideal. Just like when your pooch was younger, stick to soft surfaces like mats and grass, especially when engaging in high-speed or strenuous activities. Sticking to soft surfaces will help protect your older dog’s joints.

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Below is some more information on may like to read on your dog’s joints

Why should senior dogs exercise?

Okay, so some older dogs just want to lounge around all day. But even if they don’t want to, exercising does have its benefits.

Exercise, even gentle, keeps your older dog’s muscles in good condition. This promotes your senior pooch’s joint mobility, helping to keep your dog active for years to come. Keeping active can also help your elderly dog maintain a healthy weight.

Playing the same games together that you always did can help your older dog’s mind stay sharp, even if you have to limit how much you play them. Plus, physical activity also helps your dog to maintain a good, predictable ability to pass stools!

How much exercise should older dogs get?

Just give your senior dog as much exercise as they can handle following their ability and motivation. For example, if your older dog is sluggish in the morning and no longer fancies going for the morning walk, which they once loved, don’t sweat it! Instead, let your elderly pooch get the rest they need for some gentle exercise later.

Many senior dogs just don’t have the stamina for the previous long Fetch and Tug-of-War sessions they once loved. However, this doesn’t mean that your older dog doesn’t still want to play these games. So, when you do play these high-octane games with your aging pooch, just limit them. Throw a tennis ball at the park or in the yard, but keep your game to a 10-minute session.

How can I keep my aging dog safe while exercising?

As your dog gets older, they’ll become much more sensitive to the cold and heat than they ever were before. Their coat condition may change too. Extreme temperatures can also aggravate conditions like arthritis. So, it’s now more important than ever to prepare your older pooch for the seasons.

When it’s cooler out, always keep your aging dog warm and toasty in a sweater. Even your scarf or bandana may work, too, as long as it isn’t too long. When it’s hot outside, it is more important than ever to walk your senior dog earlier in the morning or later in the evening.

It is also more important to warm up your older dog before you start to exercise together. A short walk is a good idea to get your pooch’s body ready. You could also command your dog to sit, lie down, and spin a few times, as long as they don’t get too excited!

You should listen to your dog and follow their lead, too. If your dog no longer wants to roll over, lie down, or jump, don’t push them to do this. And, if your dog begins to lie down after retrieving a ball, it’s your cue to end the game or move on to something more gentle.

Do elderly dogs need supplements?

A certain amount of slowing down in activity is normal as your dog gets older. But if your older dog is reluctant to participate in even gentle exercise, and your vet has ruled out conditions like arthritis, supplements may make a difference to your pooch’s quality of life and energy levels.

With so many supplements labeled “joint care” or “senior dog” on the market, it can be hard to know which one to choose. However, a good supplement will contain glucosamine, hyaluronic acid, and manganese, to support your older dog’s joints and cartilage.

A great supplement will go above and beyond this with vitamins like E and C and Omega 3 oils to support overall joint health and reduce inflammation and stiffness.

You can get joint health supplements for senior dogs in palatable tablet forms so that your pooch will just think they’re a daily treat. Or, you can get liquid supplements to dropper into your dog’s mouth or add to their water.

Recommended joint care supplements are

Of course, not all elderly dogs need supplements. Some small dogs may do fine without supplements. Or maybe your pooch is getting enough joint supporting nutrition from their food. Perhaps your dog isn’t slowing down at all, despite its age! If this is the case, there’s no need to worry about supplements for your dog.

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