A cross between the Cavalier King Charles Spaniel and the Poodle, the resulting fluffball called the Cavapoo is a sociable and playful little pooch.
Having inherited the Poodle’s intelligence, the Cavapoo is easy to train and will do anything to impress its favorite people.
But how far does this intelligence and people-pleasing tendency go when potty training your Cavapoo? In this article, we lay out different ways you can potty train your Cavapoo, as well as some tips for troubleshooting.
So, read on to find out loads more about how to toilet train your Cavapoo!
Potty training tips for your Cavapoo
- Be sure not to make them too excited; Scoop your Cavapoo up and take them over to their toilet area to relieve themselves.
- Encourage your Cavapoo to poop and pee every time they wake up from a nap throughout the day.
- Play with your Cavapoo outside as much as possible, rather than inside.
- take your Cavapoo for a toilet break is shortly after eating. You may need to wait up to 30 minutes after your Cavapoo eats until they let you know that they need to go.
- Have a phrase or keyword that you use to encourage your Cavapoo to go potty. You could say “Go pee!” or “Potty time”, for example.
- Pee pads or puppy pads make a handy option for many Cavapoo owners during potty training.
- Praise your Cavapoo for a job well done. do make sure that your Cavapoo knows they’re a good pooch!
When is my Cavapoo ready for potty training?
Many people start to potty train their Cavapoo in some form pretty much from birth, or as soon as they bring their Cavapoo home. Indeed, it is always a good idea to start training your dog as early as possible. But, how early is too early for a Cavapoo?
Well, every Cavapoo is different. So, there’s no right or wrong answer to this question. In general. Most people start to potty train their Cavapoo around 8 weeks old.
But this is because this was when they adopted them. As soon as you notice your Cavapoo starting to pee in the same spot repeatedly, this is a sign that they are ready for potty training. So, watch your Cavapoo puppy. Your pooch will give you signs that they are ready for toilet training.
Should I use a crate for potty training?
All dogs are big den animals, and the Cavapoo is no exception. A crate can provide your Cavapoo with a cozy place to chill out and relax while feeling safe and secure.
Plus, a crate also limits your Cavapoo’s access to other areas of your home. During toilet training, confining your Cavapoo to their crate means there’ll be fewer surprise puddles around your home, too.
But, you should only use a crate to potty train your Cavapoo if you are also going to crate-train your Cavapoo at the same time.
Your Cavapoo needs to be used to their crate and comfortable spending time in it, rather than suddenly finding themselves spending all day in this strange new environment.
Therefore, if you do use a crate, make sure that you give your Cavapoo time to get used to it before they start to spend a lot of time in it.
You should also make sure that the crate you choose is the right size for your Cavapoo – not so small that it would be uncomfortable for your Cavapoo to spend a long time in, but not so large that your Cavapoo simply chooses a corner to use as their new toilet, either.
Should I use pee pads when potty training your Cavapoo?
Pee pads or puppy pads make a handy option for many Cavapoo owners during potty training. If you live in an apartment, these disposable pads give your Cavapoo a convenient place to go in an emergency.
Plus, there’s also the option of showing your Cavapoo where they should go by slowly moving a pad closer and closer to the great outdoors.
Puppy pads are certainly a convenient potty training method. They’re more leak-proof and longer-lasting than using newspapers. But the cost of puppy pads can quickly stack up.
So, if you find your Cavapoo goes through more pee pads than you’d like, or you just want a permanent indoor doggy toilet option, why not take a look at canine toilet options like the Bark Potty? These toilets are easy-to-use, natural options that won’t stink your house out!

Should I just leave the back door open for my dog?
If your Cavapoo’s toilet is in the yard or street, you might be tempted to just leave the door open and let your Cavapoo come and go as they please, especially if the weather is nice and warm. However, experts recommend against this approach, at least while you are house training your Cavapoo.
This is because leaving your door open actually blurs your Cavapoo’s boundary between indoors and outside. This makes it more difficult for your Cavapoo to understand where their toilet really is.
What should I look out for when toilet training my dog?
If your Cavapoo starts to sniff the ground or floor, keep a close eye on them. They could just be exploring their surroundings. But it’s more likely that they need to pee or poop.
What should my toilet training schedule be?
Go to check on your Cavapoo first thing in the morning. As you greet your Cavapoo, be sure not to make them too excited; do not talk to your Cavapoo too much, and don’t play with them. Scoop your Cavapoo up and take them over to their toilet area to relieve themselves.
You should also encourage your Cavapoo to poop and pee every time they wake up from a nap throughout the day.
See if you can get your Cavapoo to poop or pee after playing with them during the day, too. Play with your Cavapoo outside as much as possible, rather than inside.
Another good time to take your Cavapoo for a toilet break is shortly after eating. Bring your Cavapoo over to their toilet area a few minutes after they eat, at first. Then, if nothing much is happening, go away and bring your Cavapoo back for another toilet break around 5 minutes later.
As you start to get to know your Cavapoo, you will also get to know when they need to go to the toilet. You may need to wait up to 30 minutes after your Cavapoo eats until they let you know that they need to go for a piddle.
Otherwise, take your Cavapoo for their toilet break around every hour and give them one last toilet break before bed.
What else should I do when toilet training my Cavapoo?
Always keep potty time silent and fast. Though your Cavapoo may get into a playful mood after relieving themselves, it’s important you show your Cavapoo potty time is separate from play time. This is especially important during those night-time tinkles!
You should also have a phrase or keyword that you use to encourage your Cavapoo to go potty. You could say “Go pee!” or “Potty time”, for example.
It is also important that you praise your Cavapoo for a job well done. This helps let your Cavapoo know that they are doing the right thing. Again, don’t go too over the top and don’t be too loud. But do make sure that your Cavapoo knows they’re a good pooch!
That being said, be careful not to distract your Cavapoo while they’re in the process of relieving themselves. This can confuse your Cavapoo. Save your praise until after your Cavapoo has done their business.
Above all, be persistent! Accidents and setbacks will happen, yes, but don’t get discouraged! You and your Cavapoo will get there! Armed with this advice, I hope you have a great time potty training your Cavapoo.