With the recent mass legalization of the cannabis Sativa plant’s cannabidiol, CBD has become very popular among humans.
It has lots of distinct, unique benefits, and is considered very safe for most people to use.
But did you know that CBD is also suitable for dogs? The trendy oil is actually quite a good treatment for some forms of canine hair loss and many canine skin conditions. So, can CBD oil improve a dog’s coat? How good is it for dogs? Let’s find out:
But first where to get it. I recommend Calm 550 MG full-spectrum hemp extract (CBD) for dogs with lavender. You can order it directly from there website for the best price here
Does CBD oil work for a dog’s yeast infection?
If your dog has a weakened immune system or experiences high stress, an excessive amount of Malassezia yeast can easily grow on their coat, producing an infection that first causes greasy, flaky and smelly spots on their skin, then later causes hair loss.
Your dog is much more likely to develop Malassezia at hotter times of the year and in humid climates.
If your dog is being treated for the Malassezia yeast infection, using shampoos or medication to treat the infection and soothe the patchy areas of your dog’s skin is a great idea.
If your vet has recommended medications and shampoos to treat your dog’s Malassezia, continue using these.
However, CBD works very well for reducing a dog’s stress.
So, if your dog’s case of Malassezia is caused by being stressed, using CBD in conjunction with any shampoos and medication you may already be using should be great at improving your dog’s coat through reducing or even eliminating this type of hair loss.
Can CBD treat my dog’s hypothyroidism?
Did you know that dogs can also develop hypothyroidism? ( find out more about hypothyroidism in the Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association). With this condition, your dog’s thyroid produces too little thyroxin.
The thyroid regulates various bodily functions, including the growth of hair. Therefore hair loss – especially along a dog’s back – is frequently a major symptom of hypothyroidism.
So if your dog has hypothyroidism, using CBD oil can help with some of the symptoms of this condition. However, administering a medication that will help CBD oil should never be the main treatment for hypothyroidism.
But CBD oil does not typically clash with the medication used to treat canine hypothyroidism, so using CBD oil to improve your dog’s coat by treating hair loss and other associated symptoms of your dog’s hypothyroidism is risk-free and effective. The CBD oil mentioned above will help treat the symptoms in this article.
Should CBD oil be used for a dog with bad circulation?
Hair loss can also be caused by your dog having other conditions that cause very poor circulation. These include anemia, low blood pressure, and heart defects.
Your dog’s hair needs a good blood supply to grow, so if your dog has poor circulation, their hair will cease growing entirely, or only patches of hair will stop growing.
Unlike the other conditions mentioned, your dog is unlikely to lick or bite at their hair when they have poor circulation, however.
If your dog has hair loss due to having poor circulation, CBD oil could be quite beneficial for your dog’s coat, because CBD has been proven to improve circulation in dogs.
Boosting your dog’s circulation should greatly improve their coat. As a side note CBD oil is a great treatment for puppies that have seizures. I have written a full detailed article here.
Is CBD good for hair loss due to a medication’s side effects?
Various different types of dogs’ medication used to treat or prevent many different health conditions that can cause hair loss as a side effect.
Routine vaccinations against conditions like kennel cough or parvovirus often create some hair loss around the site where the dog was injected as well as hair loss being one of the vaccination’s side effects.
While other medications like steroids cause hair loss as a side effect because the steroids shrink your dog’s hair follicles.
Just like with hair loss caused by poor circulation, you can tell that your dog’s hair loss is probably a side effect of their medication rather than being a symptom of anything else when you don’t notice your dog – or other dogs – licking or biting the area where the hair is missing from.
CBD oil is very effective at improving the condition of your dog’s coat by relaxing them and improving their circulation, thus aiding the nourishment and growth of your dog’s hair follicles. Just check that CBD will not clash with the medication your dog is taking.
Can CBD improve my bored or stressed dog’s coat?
If your dog is very stressed out or bored, they may start to excessively lick or even bite at their fur or skin, just for something to do or to relieve stress.
If your dog bites or licks their fur often or for a long time, they can pull some fur out, or they can weaken the fur, causing the fur to eventually fall out itself.
You can identify that they are causing their hair loss or wounds when you don’t notice any sores or hair missing on other parts of their body that they can’t reach.
If a dog becomes very stressed, their hair may also just fall out by itself for no other reason.
As we previously mentioned, CBD oil can relax your dog and boost your dog’s circulation, so administering CBD oil can improve your dog’s coat in this way since it promotes healing and increases follicular growth.
However, it’s also important that you identify anything that is causing your dog a lot of stress. It is also very important that your dog gets plenty of stimulation and play every day.
How should I give CBD to improve my dog’s coat?
Humans use CBD in a vast array of ways. You could administer a drop under your tongue and hold it there for around 60 seconds, which is referred to as a tincture and which is the most common way to take CBD.
Or you might find the oil baked into doubly delicious brownies and cupcakes, cooked into gummies and candies or stirred and steamed into lattes and cappuccinos. Many people even vape the pain-relieving substance, in fragrant, sweet e-liquid pods.
But what about your pooch? How many different methods are there for them to ingest this beneficial plant to get their coat glossy and soft again?
Well, if your dog has wounds or bald patches on their coat that you want to heal faster, why not try massaging a CBD balm into the affected areas? Balms like these made especially for dogs are now readily available to buy, or you could make some yourself from a recipe.
Just make sure the area is clean and dry, and not actively bleeding or weeping. Also, make sure the dosage is correct for your dog. You could apply a CBD balm while bathing your dog, or while brushing them or relaxing together.
If your dog’s coat is being affected by their medication, you could try administering it orally along with their medication, if the CBD does not clash with the medication. Otherwise, you may have to administer the CBD at a different time of day.
By Michelle McDaid