Collie is a breed of dog that does not have a hereditary tendency to bloating, but their physique is structured to make bloating a risk that owners must be aware of.
Bloating, also known as volvulus, is very common in deep-chested dog breeds as is the case with Collies. There are various ways to help your dog.
Products that help with bloat
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Causes of bloating
The most common cause of bloating in dogs is the consumption of food that is not intended for animals, which contributes to excess gas production. There are forbidden treats that you shouldn’t give your dog.
These prohibited treats include foods containing:
- Brewer’s yeast
- Soy
- Citric acid
- Fast carbohydrates in the form of fruits, vegetables, and baked goods.
If the dog is fed infrequently, for example, once a day, the dog may absorb food too quickly causing him to swallow air that collects in the stomach.
Also, one of the causes of bloating can be worms which can grow in the dog’s stomach to an enormous size and collect in lumps. From the outside, this will look like a stomach full of gases.
Other causes of a bloated stomach can be stress, which can be caused by childbirth, exhibitions, changes in the dog’s lifestyle and physical activity before and immediately after eating.
Volvulus of the stomach
If your dog has a volvulus, then you definitely need veterinary help. Gas and various fluids accumulate in the dog’s stomach, which can cause the stomach to turn, cutting off the blood supply. In such situations, only emergency surgery can help and save your dog’s life.
The Collie Health Foundation funds a variety of medical research on the most common diseases in Collies, with research on gastric volvulus being the highest priority.
Bloating can occur out of the blue. Just a minute ago, your dog was running and jumping as if nothing was wrong, and the next thing you know you have a very poorly dog in urgent need of medical care.
The signs of bloating to look out for are:
- Your dog pacing back and forth
- Breathing heavily
- Drooling
- Trying to vomit without regurgitation.
- Rapid heartbeat.
- Stomach beginning to swell and hurt.
You may also find that your dog will try to eat pebbles or other hard objects.
If the abdomen is bloated with severe pain, your dog may faint and go into shock. If you find even the slightest symptoms of bloating in your dog, immediately contact your veterinarian. It’s better to play it safe than to lose your beloved pet.
First of all, when you arrive at the clinic your dog should be x-rayed to see if volvulus or bloat has occurred. X-rays will also help check the condition of other organs on which the stomach could exert pressure.
In a large breed of dog, the presence of worms can be seen on x-rays. If the x-ray does show that your dog’s stomach is twisted, then he will need urgent surgery.
If your dog’s stomach isn’t twisted, your veterinarian will insert a tube into your dog’s stomach to help trapped gases and fluids escape faster.
In more severe cases, the veterinarian can make a puncture in the stomach with a hollow needle for the same purpose.
If your dog has a volvulus, then they will have to have an operation to unwind the stomach. This operation will permanently glue your dog’s belly to the abdomen so that the dog’s belly cannot get bloated again.
Instead of feeding your Collie a large meal once a day, divide it into 2 or 3 smaller servings. If your dog’s diet includes not only canned food but pieces of meat as well then it might help to try moistening the meat in water for a few minutes.
Of course, the key to your dog’s health is the right food. Your pet’s food should contain sufficient amounts of nutrients for their breed and size.
Although it’s difficult, do not pamper your dog with food that isn’t intended for dogs. Even if your dog really likes apples or cucumbers, for example, don’t risk his health for the sake of a quick treat when there are so many treats specifically designed for dogs.
If you are going to transfer your pet from one food to another, do it gradually. It’s best not to feed your dog immediately after an intense training session or just before going out for a run or long walk. Physical activity should only be allowed after at least an hour from eating meals.
Try keeping a dog’s first aid kit at home, just in case, especially if your dog is prone to bloating.
Also, remember that treatment at an early stage of the development of the disease is the key to a high-quality and long lifespan of your beloved Collie. If you experience even the slightest symptoms, seek help from the nearest veterinary clinic!
In order for your Collie to always stay healthy, try to follow these tips:
- Careful observance of the rules of feeding a dog, in which any “human” food is under the strictest prohibition
- Use only high-quality and fresh food
- Make sure that your dog does not eat anything from the ground while out of the house
- Don’t feed your dog before walking
- If you notice any unusual symptoms, contact your veterinarian immediately
Even though the collie breed is not the most prone to bloating, this doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t control the diet of your beloved pet. Collies are extremely curious dogs so try to check what they eat in and out of the house and maintain a proper diet.
Then you can feel happy that your dog will always be happy and healthy too. Don’t forget to monitor the behavior of your dog because only your Collie can show you a sign if they’re feeling bad.
Monitoring your dog’s health is much easier and more effective than trying to cure any serious consequences of improper diet.