The quick answer is:
Yes, a Bichon Frise can eat raw meat begin feeding your Bichon Frise raw meat, you must introduce the raw meat slowly.
There’s a lot of buzz going on lately about feeding your dog a raw diet.
This is what their ancestors, the wolves ate, after all. And raw feeding is supposed to have all sorts of benefits that you just can’t get from standard dog foods, as well as providing superior nutrition to cooked meats.
But when it comes to your small Bichon Frise dog, can a Bichon Frise eat raw meat? This is the topic we’ll be exploring in this blog post:
But first, here are my recommended dog products I use every day
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What kind of jaw does a Bichon Frise have?
Did you know that many Bichon Frise dogs have underbites? This is where the dog’s lower jaw protrudes out a little further than the Bichon’s upper row of teeth.
If your Bichon has an underbite, you may have noticed your Bichon Frise having some difficulty eating, like spitting out pieces of kibble all over the floor when chewing.
A Bichon Frise with an underbite can sometimes have great difficulty in eating certain things and may take a much longer time to eat. Besides their teeth are quite small.
Does a Bichon Frise have a sensitive stomach?
Many small dogs like the Bichon Frise have a sensitive stomach or allergies. That being said, allergies seem to be far more common in the Bichon Frise breed than with other small dogs.
Being allergic to grains like wheat are the most common in a Bichon Frise. Feed allergies often result in symptoms like unusual stools, or often, dry and itchy skin.
With the Bichon Frise’s propensity towards developing feed allergies, if you are thinking of committing to a radical overhaul of your Bichon Frise’s diet, this is no surprise.
But is raw meat a good chance to introduce to your Bichon Frise’s diet? Or would they be just as sensitive to this?
Well, as with any new food, if you do choose to begin feeding your Bichon Frise raw meat, you must introduce the raw meat slowly, or your Bichon Frise’s body may not be able to handle it.
Try gradually phasing their current food out completely with more and more raw meat until your Bichon Frise’s bowl is completely replaced with their new diet.
Can I feed my Bichon Frise freeze-dried dog food?
Are you considering trying your Bichon Frise on a raw diet, but have no idea where to start? After all, it’s difficult to portion out a big cut of meat in the same way as you can do with dry kibble.
Is freeze-dried dog food containing raw meat a convenient solution that’s suitable for your Bichon Frise?
We previously mentioned that many Bichon Frises have an underbite. The Bichon Frise breed has a high tendency to develop other jaw abnormalities, too.
Even if your Bichon Frise isn’t diagnosed with any jaw abnormalities, the breed often has a very flat brachycephalic jaw that can make it difficult for a Bichon Frise to eat certain things.
Because of this difficulty in chewing or holding some things in their mouth, many Bichon Frise owners like to experiment with feeding their Bichon Frise different brands and styles of food, until they find foods that their Bichon Frise can easily and quickly eat with as little mess as possible.
So, can freeze-dried dog food be the food for your Bichon Frise? Well as long as the freeze-dried raw dog food is in a size that your Bichon Frise finds it easier to work with, freeze-dried raw meat dog food can be a great thing for your Bichon Frise!
Here is the best rated dog freeze-dried raw dog food
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Should I feed my Bichon Frise raw uncooked bones?
You may have some concerns that feeding your Bichon Frise raw, uncooked meat is unsanitary and unhygienic. Surely raw meat contains all sorts of harmful bacteria and diseases, like salmonella?
This is a valid concern, but meat intended for a dog to eat raw always undergo the most stringent hygiene measures. It is immediately freeze-dried or frozen and is continually tested for bacteria throughout its production. This includes uncooked bones.
You may also worry that your Bichon Frise would choke on an uncooked bone. But actually, an uncooked bone is very robust. It is only when a bone is cooked that it becomes so dangerously brittle as to pose a threat to your Bichon Frise.
Plus, the roughage an uncooked bone provides is great for keeping your Bichon Frise’s teeth clean!
So if you’re looking for an easily digestible treat that will also boost your Bichon Frise’s dental hygiene, an uncooked bone is a great option!
Best uncooked raw dog bones available
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Is it a good idea to feed my Bichon Frise a raw food topper?
Though raw feeding your Bichon Frise can have various health benefits, on top of sometimes being easier for a Bichon to digest, raw meat in any form cannot possibly provide all of the nutrition your Bichon Frise needs. Your Bichon Frise also needs to eat a wide variety of other foods along with this.
You could go to the effort of researching which vegetables and grains your Bichon Frise needs in their diet, and find out how to prepare them safely. Or you could also feed your Bichon Frise partially kibble and partially raw food.
But if the effort of buying large amounts of meat, storing it, and having it ready in time for your Bichon’s breakfast, lunch and dinner, as well as evaluating how well the food’s nutrition serves your Bichon Frise gets too much, there are other more convenient options out there.
One such option is a raw food topper, which allows you to combine the benefits and flavor of raw meat with the nutrition of other dry food kibbles, wet food, or even vegetable and carbohydrate sources that you may feed your Bichon Frise.
Raw food toppers are also a better size and shape for a Bichon Frise, and can be easier for your Bichon Frise to break down with their teeth, compared to larger cuts of raw meat, so raw food toppers can make a great option for a Bichon Frise.
Can I give my Bichon Frise standard raw meat?
When you’re cooking and chopping, your Bichon Frise probably dances around at your feet the entire time, right? And if a piece or two of what you’re making happens to roll onto the floor, your Bichon is likely only all too happy to help you out by promptly hoovering it up!
But is it a good idea to offer your Bichon Frise the same cuts of meat that you eat? Or should you stick to raw meat that is more aimed at dogs?
While not held to quite the same stringent quality control measures as if you’re serving your Bichon Frise raw meat in their bowl, stick to boneless, easily digestible cuts like the chicken breast that your Bichon Frise can safely and easily eat with little supervision.
So, can a Bichon Frise eat raw meat?
Perhaps surprisingly, yes – a Bichon Frise is completely capable of digesting raw meat! However, raw meat alone does not provide all of the nutrition your Bichon Frise needs.
But as long as they have a complete diet, and you let them slowly get used to it, allowing your Bichon Frise to eat some raw meat can be a good option.
For more about Bichon Frise see my other posts below
- Does a Bichon Frise Drool?
- Can a Bichon Frise Get Sunburn?
- How Big Does a Bichon Frise Get?
- Does A Bichon Frise Get Along With Other Dogs?
- Can a Bichon Frise Sleep Outside?
- Will a Bichon Frise Get Along With Cats?
By Michelle McDaid