Are you looking to adopt a Border Collie? Or perhaps you have already added a new member to the family? Either way, Congratulations!
Choosing to adopt a dog is a big step and one of the most important factors for most new dog parents is determining how friendly they can expect their furry friend to be when they meet new people.
So, how good is the average Border Collie with strangers? And, is it possible to increase their friendliness through training?
In this article, we will address all your concerns regarding Border Collies and positive socialization. So, keep reading to find out how to select the Border Collie that is best suited to your lifestyle, and help them feel safe in new situations.
Are Border Collies naturally good with strangers?
In a nut shell, YES, Border Collies are considered to be good with strangers, and a great option as a family pet.
Border Collies are extremely intelligent which makes them fairly easy to train. As long as you take the time to train your dog properly, they should be generally well-behaved, friendly dogs.
They can be a bit hyperactive and sensitive to overstimulation, so it is important to keep this in mind when strangers are approaching. As with many dogs, it is best to keep a “hands off” approach when meeting new Border Collies, without explicit permission from their owner.
It is also important to note that Border Collies require a high-level of physical activity or they may become agitated. Also, Border Collies who are not well-socialized may become shy.
However, as long as the owner of a Border Collie is actively meeting their physical and emotional needs, they make great companions and should not have trouble getting along with strangers.
Are Border Collies good around children?
Whether you have children in your home or not, it is important to keep in mind that dogs often behave differently around children than around adults- and Border Collies are no exception.
It is important to keep in mind that Border Collies are often used as farm dogs, and have herding tendencies. As a result, it is common for Border Collies to “herd” small children by chasing and nipping at their ankles.
While this is generally not dangerous, it is scary for young children, and biting should not be tolerated in any instance.
Does this mean that Border Collies are NOT good with kids? No, of course not. It simply means that you may want to consider taking some additional steps to ensure that your collie has good interactions with small children.
From a preventative standpoint, teaching basic obedience is the best way to ensure your Border Collie will not herd children (or other dogs).
If they do start, it is important that they know to stop when you tell them too. “Leave it” is a great command to start with. Diversion of attention is also helpful, but this will only work if your Collie knows to listen to you.
If you need further advice on how to improve your Collie’s temperament, keep reading to find activities to promote safe interaction below.
Are Border Collies Good with other dogs?
As with any breed, each Border Collie is going to have their own personality, and navigate their relationships with other dogs on an individual basis.
Chances are, no matter how friendly your Collie is, there will be some dogs they love to play with, and others they don’t.
Since Collies have herding tendencies, as mentioned previously, they often love to chase other dogs, or be chased by other dogs. Therefore, they will likely get along best with other dogs with high levels of energy and agility.
In some cases, Collies may be perceived as “mean” when they are herding, which is especially likely with smaller, bouncier dogs. It’s common for them to bark loudly as well. While this is not necessarily aggressive behaviour, a ‘big bark’ may be interpreted that way.
Alternatively, if your Border Collie feels threatened, they may become aggressive towards other dogs. If you notice this is an ongoing problem, it is important to seek out the help of a trainer for your Collie’s safety.
Remember, it is your job to determine what is a safe environment for your dog, and if they are acting aggressively, it is quite possible the behaviour
will be reciprocated.
How can I ensure my Border Collie has a good temperament?
Obviously, a big part of a Border Collie’s behaviour can be accredited to good/bad training. This being said, if you are in the process of picking out your perfect pup, there are definitely some advantages to actively seeking dogs with a good disposition.
If you are adopting an adult Border Collie, it is important to remember that it will take longer to re-train them.

Collies are smart, so it is certainly possible to re-train against any bad behaviours, however, the longer your Border Collie has lived with one set of rules, the longer it will take to teach them a set of new rules- just like humans!
So, if you are seeing problematic behaviours in an adult dog, you must be ready to commit yourself to intentional re-training and expect their temperament to change slowly.
If you are picking out a young puppy, try to meet both of the collies parents if you can. Genetic disposition is very important when selecting your Border Collie.
If both parents are very quiet and gentle, it is reasonable to expect that your dog will be too, with adequate training and time
to grow out of its “puppy phase”.
If both parents of the puppy are unfriendly upon meeting you- this should be a major red flag.
Besides general disposition, what can effect the friendliness of a Border Collie?
The biggest thing you can do to ensure you have a happy and friendly Border Collie is to invest your time (and potentially money) into good training.
You can do this on your own, or with the help of a professional, but whichever route you choose, make sure you do your research.
No matter how well-bred your Collie may be, it is important to set standards for how they can behave and what you will not allow them to get away with.
If you have a well-trained Collie who suddenly exhibits bad manners with strangers, or your dog simply isn’t responding to behavioural training, there may be something deeper going on.
Whether this is a situational occurrence, or a long term problem, one of the greatest motivators of aggression is fear. Border Collies, just like any dog, may become aggressive when they feel threatened.
If this happens during a specific altercation, it might be a one-off problem where your Collie was acting in self-defence.
Ensure your dog is safely removed from the situation and work on making them feel safe and secure.
It is important to keep an eye out for signs that your dog may be continuing with aggressive behaviours, in cases where individual altercations have made them fearful in everyday interactions, or where ongoing anxiety may be present.
A dog trainer and a veterinarian will be important contacts in combatting fear-based aggression.
How can I help my Border Collie to socialize safely?
Aside from training, many Border Collie owners wonder what else they can do to optimize their friendliness and chances for safe interactions with strangers, children and other dogs.
There are plenty of ways to help your Border Collie get along with everyone. Tire Them Out Besides predatory instincts, your Border Collie is also acting with a ton of pent up energy.
Dogs bred for herding were developed to run and work for long hours each day. Therefore, making sure your dog gets enough exercise is essential.
If your dog is tired out from a long hike, a run around the backyard, or a trip to the dog park, they will be much less likely to seekout ways to spend their energy indoors i.e. herding.
Play Games giving your Border Collie plenty of indoor activity options is also crucial for avoiding herding behaviours.
They are very smart and enjoy puzzle games, but even a game of tug-o-war can be a helpful tool. Best Border Collie indoor activity options games you can order online
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Teach Self-Control Avoiding boredom is key, but it may also be useful for training to kick-start their herding instincts with a game such as fetch, and then asking basic ‘calming’ commands such as “sit” before they are allowed to chase the ball.
This teaches excellent self-control and also reminds your collie that they need to listen to you- no matter what.
So, are Border Collies actually good with strangers?
Yes, they certainly can be, as long as they have responsible owners who are willing to invest plenty of time into meeting their needs.
Like any other breed, Border Collies require training to know what is good or bad behaviour, but they are highly intelligent and eager to please.
If you put time into teaching your Border Collie good manners, you will love having this friendly addition to your family.
Written by Brenna Harris.